We've had extremly exciting news this weekend...Brittney and Rick had their baby girl on Thursday in the early morning. They named her Marley Marie Dalton. She is just the sweetest little angel. My kid's werent able to see her at the hospital, but Brittney came to the house after the hospital and when I picked my kid's up from daycare, I told them we were going to go see their new baby cousin. Brielle was just beside herself. She walked into the house, and immediatly said Marleeeeey where are you. When she saw her she got a huge smile on her face and said, oh my gosh!! can i hold her? She was so proud of herself, and kept saying look how good im doing! The whole rest of the night she kept asking if she could hold Marley. And even when we went to a barbeque at a friend's house, she was still talking about cute baby Marley. She really was so good with the baby, and made sure her neck was ok and gave her lots of kisses and loves.
Aisley was also very excited about new cousin. I didn't think she would be too interested in the baby, but the second she saw her, she got a huge smile on her face and said baby! And then she saw Elli holding her and immediatly wanted to hold her too. She knew she needed help so she got up on my lap and we held her together, she kept giving her kisses over and over, and I had to watch closely because she kept wanting to touch her eyes and her mouth. She was so sweet with her and kept laughing and saying baby. But when we tried to take Marley away, she would start screaming and crying saying my baby, my baby! I said Aisley, this isnt a doll you have to let go. That part was a struggle, but it was such a sweet sight to see MY baby with her new cousin, and it made me see how big she is getting, she's not a baby anymore.
CONGRATS Daltons! We love you and are so happy for you and we are so excited about the new member of our family!
Congrats. Marley is so beautiful. And it looks like someone is ready for a little bro. or sis. jk. Good to see you. Hope to talk to you soon.
shes cute! i cant believe how big your girls are getting they are so cute! k seriously i havent talked to you in forever! im going to call you soon we need to catch up
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